Thursday, February 11, 2010

That good ol' Army Training...

Looks like I'll be doing alot of traing this year, finally got my pre-deployment traing list. Due to DoD guidelines(punishable by UCMJ!) Im not allowed to disclose any dates or what Ill be doing where, but there are a few things I can tell you.

Some of the places I'll be traing this year include:Ft. Hunter Liggitt,CA. Ft. Knox,KY. and Ft. McCoy,WI

Ill be doing weapons training/qualification with the S.A.W(Squad Automatic Weapon), M16M4 Rifle, .50 Cal, and MK19 Grenade Launcher.

Ill be driving and getting my licence for a couple of vehicles that I'll be driving over there. They include M1088(5 Ton truck), M871(Semi-Trailer), M1151(Armored Humvee), and the newest, and safest!, vehicle being used, the MRAP.


Your biggest Fan said...

Go Sam !!!!

You are my HERO !!!!

Fancynancy said...

you so cute mom