Thursday, February 11, 2010

High Speed!

Me chillin in the motor pool with the SAW, the weapon I'll be carrying in the sandbox. The trucks behind me are 5 tons.

That good ol' Army Training...

Looks like I'll be doing alot of traing this year, finally got my pre-deployment traing list. Due to DoD guidelines(punishable by UCMJ!) Im not allowed to disclose any dates or what Ill be doing where, but there are a few things I can tell you.

Some of the places I'll be traing this year include:Ft. Hunter Liggitt,CA. Ft. Knox,KY. and Ft. McCoy,WI

Ill be doing weapons training/qualification with the S.A.W(Squad Automatic Weapon), M16M4 Rifle, .50 Cal, and MK19 Grenade Launcher.

Ill be driving and getting my licence for a couple of vehicles that I'll be driving over there. They include M1088(5 Ton truck), M871(Semi-Trailer), M1151(Armored Humvee), and the newest, and safest!, vehicle being used, the MRAP.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

The Forcast

If anyone is interested they can use this link to peak at the local time, weather, ect, in Kabul(the region Im heading to).